15 Ways to Implement MAXTA for Optimal Mining Performance

Mining operations are constantly striving to improve their performance and maximise productivity.

In the pursuit of operational excellence, the implementation of MAXTA can be a game-changer. MAXTA utilises advanced data analytics and predictive modelling techniques to optimise various aspects of mining operations. In this article, we will explore 15 ways to implement MAXTA and enhance mining performance across multiple areas.


Understand Digrate Fluctuation:

Mining operations often encounter variable geology, leading to fluctuations in digrate cadence, which affects the tonnes per hour of material moved. By leveraging MAXTA, mining companies can proactively understand and predict areas within their operation that will perform faster or slower. This knowledge helps optimise fleet management, avoiding lost time waiting for trucks and idle machinery.

Predict Crushing Throughput:

Accurate prediction of material entering the crushing circuit is crucial for efficient planning. MAXTA enables mining operations to forecast and highlight zones where slower material may enter the circuit. By planning around these zones and blending material accordingly, companies can optimise their crushing throughput and minimise disruptions.

Reduce Diesel Consumption:

MAXTA allows mining companies to simulate and optimise their drill and blast operations. By analysing the performance data and comparing it against the cost of blast execution, it becomes possible to predict achievable outcomes and reduce diesel consumption. This proactive approach maximises the efficiency of the drill and blast process.

Forecast Water Consumption:

Water is a critical resource in mining operations, and its consumption needs to be carefully managed. MAXTA facilitates the mapping of predicted downstream water consumption throughout the processing stages. This information can be integrated into planning block models, enabling selective mining and blending strategies based on water limitations.

Minimise Energy Consumption at the Digface:

Fragmentation plays a vital role in digrate cadence and energy consumption. MAXTA optimises drill and blast performance to minimise energy consumption in electrified shovels, without the need for measuring fragmentation. This approach ensures energy efficiency at the digface, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Utilise Data Science and Orebody Learning:

Staff turnover is a common challenge in the mining industry, often resulting in the loss of valuable site knowledge. MAXTA addresses this issue by leveraging data science and historical site performance data. By analysing this data, new hires can quickly learn from past experiences, optimising throughput, recovery, and drill & blast practices based on historical performance.

Meet Recovery Targets:

Achieving desired recovery rates is essential for mining operations. MAXTA provides the tools to understand why and where lower performing recovery may be present on-site. By incorporating recovery predictions into the block models, mining companies can schedule mining activities to meet recovery targets effectively.

Optimise Milling Throughput:

Unexpectedly low milling throughput can disrupt mining operations and affect overall productivity. MAXTA enables the prediction of milling throughput ahead of time, allowing companies to work around fluctuations and achieve the required monthly average tph (tons per hour). This proactive approach minimises downtime and ensures consistent production levels.

Grade ≠ $$$:

Assessing the viability of mining assets goes beyond grade estimation. MAXTA emphasises a holistic approach by considering all site data and developing operational models that examine performance comprehensively. By utilising MAXTA, mining companies can make informed decisions that provide a comprehensive assessment of asset viability.

Enhance Blending Performance:

Blending materials in mining is not as simple as a weighted averaging calculation. MAXTA emphasises the importance of understanding the impact of geological properties on performance. By analysing achieved data and avoiding relying solely on averaging numbers, mining operations can maximise blending performance and achieve desired outcomes.

Model Energy Consumption into Geology:

Energy consumption is a significant factor in mining operations. MAXTA allows mapping of processing energy consumption back into pre-mined blocks. This information helps in planning around downstream energy consumption, avoiding loadshedding during high-impact times and ensuring uninterrupted operations.

Minimise Downtime Due to Oversize:

Oversize material can cause downtime and hinder mining operations. MAXTA automatically optimises drill and blast performance by considering the geology within blast polygons. By understanding the likelihood of encountering oversize material, mining companies can take proactive measures to minimise downtime and optimise operational efficiency.

Maximise Recovery Using Historical Performance:

Historical performance data is a valuable asset for making informed decisions in mining operations. MAXTA harnesses the power of data science and leverages existing data to optimise throughput, recovery, and drill & blast practices. By maximising the ability of new starters to learn from historical site performance, mining companies can continually improve their operations.


Increase Overburden Movements:

Waste material often represents a significant performance metric in mining operations. MAXTA optimises drill and blast operations specifically targeting waste material to maximise the dig rate to the waste dump. By efficiently moving overburden through optimal blasting techniques, mining companies can achieve their production targets effectively.

Plan Around Product Shortages:

In mining operations, product shortages can have a significant impact on performance. MAXTA enables simulation of the entire mining value chain, allowing companies to observe the impact of alternative blasting products or conservative reagent mixes. By manipulating various factors onsite, such as crushing throughput when using different products, mining companies can plan and mitigate potential disruptions effectively.


The implementation of MAXTA in mining operations offers numerous benefits, ranging from optimising fleet management to maximising recovery rates. By harnessing the power of advanced data analytics and predictive modelling, mining companies can proactively address operational challenges, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance. Embracing MAXTA empowers mining operations to stay ahead in a highly competitive industry and unlock their full potential.



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