Want to better control mining operating costs?

We constantly hear about operators noticing increases in energy costs and look for ways to reduce OpEx. Cost control is a common challenge and you are most certainly not alone!

Here are some thoughts which could help:

Have you thought about leveraging the data you already have to gleam insights and make predictions?

You can get a high return on your data assets by reducing costs.

How about linking energy consumption to geology?

You can incorporate specific enegery (kWh/t) as a field in the block model to reduce energy costs through optimised plans.

How about reducing drill & blast costs whilst simultaneously increasing throughtput?

You can improve plant performance with oreboady learning to optimise reagent consumption. This means reagent dosages can be automatically matched to incoming rock type and grind size to optimise recovery.

  • An image about controlling costs at a mine site

Want to extract value from your mining data?

Get in touch with the PETRA team to discuss what would be a good fit, relevant to your mine.

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