Want to meet sustainability goals and drive productivity?

Is environmental impact now part of your mining operations bottom line?

We understand that you need to increase operational efficiency, but what are some ways to help boost your productivity?

The great news is you can probably already reach your goals with the data already have!

Digitisation is key in meeting the sustainability targets of any operation.

So here are 3 points you can implement using your current data almost-immediately?

1. Link your energy consumption to geology by adding grinding specific energy (kWh/t) to your block model.

2. Utilise dig rate data to save on diesel consumption & save on trucking delays caused by over and under trucking! Add dig rate to your block model for improved mine planning 
as well.

3. Move towards improved tailings management and de-watering
Optimise thickener operation and flocculant addition for maximum underflow density! You can select operational setpoints to match ore properties using purpose built applications.

These are only 3 areas where digitisation could help in achieving sustainability targets. If there are other areas we would love to hear from you!

  • Mining sustainability goals using digital

Want to extract value from your mining data?

Get in touch with the PETRA team to discuss what would be a good fit, relevant to your mine.

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