MAXTADrill&Blast® allows you to optimise blast design for improved downstream performance

MAXTADrill&Blast<sup>®</sup> allows you to optimise blast design for improved downstream performance

Simulate the effect of drill and blast designs on numerous downstream processes.

Calculate drill and blast costs per tonne for every simulation and trade off downstream productivity improvements against any potential cost increase.

Provide instant feedback of downstream process effects for each drill and blast design.

Learn from experience which designs give you the best productivity or efficiency for each geological domain.

Drill and blast affects load & haul, crusher and mill performance as well as materials handling and energy efficiency.

MAXTADrill&Blast shows your drill&blast engineers how to achieve their best results in every geological domain every day.

Learn from experience which designs give you the best productivity or efficiency for each geological domain.

Do you want to sustain the benefits of mine-to-mill, or pit-to-plant optimisation for the long-term?

MAXTADrill&Blast is a digital, embedded and sustainable mine-to-mill and pit-to-port optimisation solution. With drill and blast costs per tonne calculated for every simulation, your engineers are able to trade off downstream productivity improvements against any cost impact.

Engineers can compare the effect of reducing burden and spacing on crusher or mill throughput, with increasing explosive density, changing product type, increasing blast size, changing blast direction, or switching to electronic initiation.

Do you want to sustain the benefits of mine-to-mill, or pit-to-plant optimisation for the long-term?

Need to simulate downstream processing effects for each drill and blast design?

Simulating the effect of drill and blast design on mutiple downstream processes enables blast designers to evaluate, compare and export dozens of design options in minutes.

Enable both drill and blast specialists and non-specialists (e.g. continuous improvement, graduates and interns) to rapidly interact with digital twin simulations in an intuitive easy to use interface.

Need to simulate downstream processing effects for each drill and blast design?

Do you want to be able to see how your blasts performed?

MAXTADrill&Blast ore tracking retains site-specific knowledge of blasting experience and best practices

And you won't need high cost blast movement markers or sensors because MAXTA intelligent ore tracking works out blast movement using your data.

Do you want to be able to see how your blasts performed?


Combine with MAXTA to add insights, automation and optimisation to each digital twin application

Discover the value of MAXTADrill&Blast®

Implement better blast design strategies by considering the impact on costs as well as downstream plant performance.

Request a demo

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